Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why is EVERYTHING in New York City?

Watching the final episode of 24 today, I thought about how lucky President Taylor was that everything is located for them in NYC. The terrorist attack, the UN meetings, CTU. Then, I thought about everything else in the Big Apple: Wall Street, Madison Ave., Broadway, Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Alex Rodriguez's highlights...the list goes on and on.

Shouldn't we spread some things out across the country? There are so many regions of the country underutilized. I know many will argue that they enjoy the simple life void of excitement and tourism. To that, I say, Haaakh Toooooh!

I think we should think about relocating some of the sights in New York and transplant them across this glorious country of ours. Now, I"m not suggesting we move the Statue of Liberty...after all, it should remain surrounded by water. The ferry is part of the event. But we could reconstruct some other buildings such as Rockefeller Center. Certainly where it goes would need to have plenty of space and Wyoming is just the place to put that baby.
That's just one example. You know what state gets no play? New Mexico. Just think, what do you know about New Mexico? It's the second to last state to make the continental US (after Arizona). It hosts a minor league Dodgers team and a D-League team for the Dalliami Heavericks. It's mostly desert. Quick, somebody build plans for an amphitheater for the New Mexipolitan Opera!

It's come to my attention that there is aren't any pro teams in Alabama or Mississippi or Kentucky, that whole area is depleted of professional sports. I know the south is a college friendly region but that doesn't mean that New York couldn't give up one of their team, maybe a team that they claim that doesn't even play in the state! Like the Jets.

I'm just saying...there's probably a ton of stuff people in New York don't even do in New York. It's only for tourists. Perhaps we could just start with a wax museum in Maine.

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